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Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide clinical training, supervision, and professional development to emerging and licensed clinicians, both in our agency and in the community. In turn, this provides more opportunity for all clinicians to learn, grow, and further the agency’s goal to provide quality clinical services to all clients.

Psychedelic (psilocybin) Experiential Training

MPB Group (in conjunction with Healing Escapes) is offering a unique opportunity to obtain first-hand experiential training.

To learn more about the Experiential Training, please click here.



We also offer customized practicum program training opportunities


During these 4 night trainings, you receive instruction from our licensed mental health clinicians, who have 60+ years of cumulative experience in both mental health treatment and plant-based medicine, culminating in Certificates of Completion and Certification as Psychedelic (psilocybin) Facilitators.

Step 1: Click here to complete the Experiential (Psilocybin) Training Interest Form

Step 2: Click here to complete the Clinical Screening Form

Step 3: Register using Paypal links below to reserve your space.

Contact us via email at  in order to secure your dates of availability to get first hand experience and exposure to this healing medicine.

Psychedelics 101

Therapist, first take the plunge yourself! Why therapists (and other caregivers) working with psychedelics should have personal experience with these substances / Door’s Perceptions.

Please click the link to this article that discusses the importance of clinician’s having a first-hand experience with psilocybin to be a competent Psychedelic Guide.

Blog | Door of Perception | Psychedelic Coaching


Jamaica Experiental Training

Training cost – $3500; Ask about student rate and local Jamaican discounts.

Non-refundable deposit (30%) is required to hold space

Jamaica Experiental Training